We are probably talking about the best entry level camera you can buy right now, the Nikon D3500 has it all, a good sensor, a decent focus and an affordable price. And even though it was released in 2018, which is almost three years ago, it is still a very valid camera and the best camera to get started in photography.

Nikon D3500 features and specifications

In this table we will show you what the main features of the Nikon D3500 are, both in photography and video, and then show you how good it is in practice.





11 points


Reflex Viewfinder with 95% coverage


921000 LCD


100 a 25600




5 axes


1 SD


Full HD at 60p


1550 shoots


Nikon F


415 g

OUTPUT PRICE (With 18-55 optics)


Construction and Ergonomics

We are facing a renewal of Nikon’s inciting line, and it is noticeable above all in the appearance, we can clearly see that it is a camera very similar to the previous ones and that a priori nothing has changed in the physical aspect. A new wheel has been added and some buttons have been removed to make it simpler for the general public. The ergonomics remain the same, as we have come to expect from a brand that has been in the market for such a long time. Surprisingly, Nikon has been able to reduce the weight of the camera even further compared to its predecessor and it feels very light in the hand, almost as if you were carrying nothing at all.

Focus of the Nikon D3500

To talk about the focus we have to be clear about which camera we are talking about and what is its price, we are talking about a camera of the most basic sector of the brand. This is not to say that the focus is bad, but obviously we can’t expect too many frills. Its 11 focus points are more than enough to capture sharp portrait images and scenes that don’t require a lot of movement. If you’re looking to shoot action shots, however, you’ll have to think two steps up to the top end of the APSC range, such as the D7500.

Quality and performance

The 24mpx sensor that comes with this camera is very well known, as it hardly has any faults that we can emphasize, as we know Nikon colours are very good and that feeling of sharpness is impeccable. In general the camera performs very well in any field, although as always in this range do not expect to have a camera that is able to work at night without a tripod, because its treatment of ISO, is not the best, also influenced by the APSC sensor.

Video on the Nikon D3500

Although all mobiles now record in FULL HD at 60p, it must be said in Nikon’s favor that its direct competition does not do so, we are talking about the fact that Canon has wanted to keep the old 30p, with all that this entails, making it impossible for users to create slow motion images. As for video tools, as it is obvious we lack it, we can simply adjust the frame rate per second and the video format in which we want to record.

Changing the white balance on the Nikon d3500

The white balance helps us to balance the tone of the light and therefore to be able to have a cooler or better quality photograph. We are going to help you to change the white balance on your new Nikon d3500.

Press the information button labelled “i”.
If you haven’t changed it before, you will usually see it in automatic mode, you can choose between different modes.
In case you want to have the possibility to choose the exact amount of temperature yourself you can choose the option “PRE”.

Nikon d3500 night photos

As we know APSC cameras with a smaller format usually have problems to take good night pictures. The Nikon D3500 is no exception and although for the average user it is more than enough, it has to be said that if you want to get a noise-free image, it will be very difficult with this camera. Normally with this type of sensor you shouldn’t go above ISO 1000, although it depends on the brand.

lighting view

How to change the ISO on Nikon d3500?

Nikon is perhaps the most complex brand to change the ISO, at least when starting with a new body, as you have to change two sections in the menu.

Press the camera menu and enter the ISO sensitivity setting, which is found in the camera section.
We deactivate the automatic control, so that it allows us to modify it to our liking.
Once the automatic setting has been modified, we will change the maximum sensitivity to the highest possible 6400.

Does the Nikon d3500 have a microphone input?

The Nikon D3500 has no microphone or headphone input, only HDMI input and micro-usb charging input.

What is the dynamic range of the Nikon d3500?

From Nikon themselves, they do not acknowledge the amount of dynamic range this camera has, but it seems that it would be very close to that of other top of the range APSC models, such as the D7500. In this case the Nikon D3500 would have a dynamic range of about 14 stops. Which is more than enough for this type of sensor.

Download the Nikon D3500 manual

We know how cumbersome it is for you to have to look for the pdf manual of the Nikon D3500, so we have provided you with this link so you can download it quickly. Download it here

Images of the Nikon D3500

Here are some examples of amateurs who have taken pictures with this camera so you can see the quality it has.

Nikon D3500 User Group


Overall this is a very good entry level camera, being a reflex camera it helps the beginner user to understand how photography works and not depend on technology to help them. For this reason and for its price of around €400 it is the perfect choice as a gift for someone who wants to learn photography.

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